A Typical Day

9.00 am: The morning session begins. The children arrive, self-register and settle into play.

9.00am – 10.00am: Free flow play. The children can choose from a wide range of educational activities which comprehensively cover the seven areas of learning of the EYFS. Adult led topical activities are also planned during this time and specific activities planned for the children’s next steps.

10.00am: Tidy up time. This is followed by Circle time which includes The Hello Song, days of the week and completing the weather chart. The children also share their news with the group.

10.20am: Snack Time. The children wash their hands then sing the ‘Brush Your Teeth Song’ to encourage good dental hygiene. The children then enjoy a healthy snack and drink.

10.40am: Book time. Once a child has finished their snack, they can choose a book to read whilst they wait for the group to finish snack. Books are read either independently or shared in small groups with a member of staff.

10.50am: Song Time. This is enjoyed in a variety of ways including music and movement, the song bag, musical instruments, dancing and parachute songs.

11.00am: Garden time. This is a free flow play time. Children can enjoy sand play, water play, the mud kitchen, bug hunts, role play, ball games, ride on toys. Topical adult led activities are also featured in this part of the session.

12.00pm: Home time and Afternoon session begins. Children remain playing and enjoy a group story time before lunchtime.

12.30pm: Lunch time. Both staff and children all sit together and enjoy a leisurely lunch.

1.00pm-1.45pm: After lunchtime the children enjoy a focused play time with puzzles, construction, mark making, and adult led focused games.

1.45pm-2.45pm: Free flow play. This can be both indoors and outdoors.

3.00pm: Home time

*Additional activities within our week include cooking, yoga, cultural celebrations or visits from people in the local community such as the Police or Firefighters .

During the summer months we tend to spend more time during the free flow times out in our lovely garden.

Our routine may change due to outings to the park, community gardens, local café or beach.

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